
Music has always been very important in our church. Worship services are enriched by strong
hymn-singing, beautiful choral anthems and solos, and instrumental pieces played on our
outstanding pipe organ.
Along with classic traditional repertoire, we also include new music from contemporary
Christian writers and artists. So on any given Sunday, one could hear an organ toccata by
Bach, sing Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee as a hymn, hear our Youth Choir offer a Mendelssohn
anthem, the Handbell Choir play Be Thou My Vision, the Adult and Youth Choirs together
singing Rutter’s The Lord is My Shepherd and end the service with the contemporary song,
Shout to the Lord.
We celebrate Jazz Sunday yearly, with the Hot Cat jazz band. We also invite Sacred Steel, an outstanding steel pan band to lead our worship music every year. Our approach to worship music is to include excellent music from all styles, so everyone can be touched and inspired.

Peter Niedmann has served as our Organist and Director of Music for over 30 years. An award-
winning organist and composer, Peter conducts the Adult, Youth, and Handbell choirs and
plays organ for all our services.
Adult Choir
Our main choir sings all services from September to June. The choir also performs in
concert, at Christmas and Spring Pops. Other concerts and services are occasionally
presented with various ensembles around the region. An unforgettable performance by
the choir was with the Hartford Symphony Orchestra at Talcott Mountain Music Festival
for an audience of 7,000! The choir rehearses Wednesdays from 7:15 – 8:30 pm. New
members are always welcome and encouraged to speak with our music director, Peter
Niedmann, about joining. There is no audition required.

Youth Choir
Our choir of young singers who makes music at the highest level, both
with the adult choir and independently. Affiliated with the Royal School
of Church Music, choristers receive an excellent music education through
singing. They also develop self-esteem, team spirit, discipline, and
service to others. The Youth Choir sings every other Sunday in worship,
as well as concerts with professional orchestra each season. The choir
also combines with other youth choirs in festivals and services. Any child,
grade 2 or higher, may join the choir at any time. The Youth Choir
rehearses Sundays from 11:15 am – 12:00 pm. You are welcome to come
with your child to observe a rehearsal and get a sense of what the choir
does. Please speak with music director, Peter Niedmann, for more
information. There is no audition required.

Cherub Choir
Our Cherub Choir—children in pre-school through 1st grade—sings
several Sundays each year—including once in Advent and Palm
Sunday. Directed by Janet Schneider, the Cherub Choir rehearses a
few weeks prior to each appearance in worship.

Handbell Choir
Our Handbell Choir creates a distinctive sound when it plays.
Handbells are the tiny cousins to large church bells in a tower. The
choir plays once a month in worship and in our concerts. The
Handbell Choir rehearses Wednesdays from 6:30 – 7:15 pm. New
members are always welcome. Music-reading ability is helpful.
Please speak with music director, Peter Niedmann for more information.

Our concert series offers excellent free concerts for our church and the wider community. Artists of national stature are presented in a variety of concerts each season. Some musicians who have performed here: Broadway star Juwan Crawley (Aladdin), English concert organist Peter Hurford, Chorus Angelicus & Paul Halley, United States Coast Guard Band, Singer/songwriter Elisabeth Von Trapp.